International Conference on Motivation & Emotion 2024

Venue & Location

We are looking forward to welcome you to the ICM 2024 conference at the Institute of Educational Science, University of Bern. Before we introduce you to the venue and location, we would like to give you a short overview of some important information.


The conference registration desk is located on the ground floor at Fabrikstrasse 8, 3012 Bern. It is open daily during the conference hours. 


In case you lose something during the conference, please contact the conference registration desk. Conference assistants and members of the conference organisation committee are glad to help you.


Lunch will be served in the Mensa located at second basement floor. Coffee, tea and snacks will be served in the ground floor foyer. In the interest of sustainability, we will not provide bottled water. You will find a water bottle in your conference bag, or you can bring your own and easily refill it at any tap. 


The University of Bern has the Eduroam access. Eduroam is the worldwide roaming access service developed for the research and education community. Select the eduroam Wi-Fi network and log in using your home-university account. If this solution does not work for you there is still the option of using the public Wi-Fi. 


In case of a non-life threatening emergency, ask a conference assistant to contact the first aid personnel. In case of a life threatening medical emergency, dial the number 112 (can be dialed from any European mobile phone). If you dial 112, you will be connected with the police emergency control centre.


You can find a small dispensary at the conference registration desk. Several pharmacies are located nearby.