Summer School Submission

The Summer School is aimed at PhD students and offers them the opportunity to present and discuss their own projects in the field of motivation and emotion, as well as other relevant topics. The focus is on mutual exchange, as well as cooperation and further development of knowledge and research related to the doctoral students’ projects. The workshops during the Summer School are supervised by competent and internationally renowned scientists. Great emphasis will be placed on facilitating the knowledge exchange in different settings, ensuring time and space for discussion in addition to workshops and social activities.

Here is some important information for you:    

  • You can submit your abstracts via EARLI (
  • For information on how to write the abstracts, please refer to the information sheet below.
  • Please note that places are limited for up to max. 25 doctoral students.
  • The fees for the Summer School are CHF 80 per participant. You can register for the Summer School after receiving the decision of acceptance by April 30th 2024 at ConfTool.
  • Please note that participants have to cover their travel costs by themselves.
    The overnight stay from Monday 26th to Tuesday 27th of August will be covered. 
    We would recommend making your accommodation arrangements in Bern or the surrounding area on Sunday, prior to the start of the Summer School.

We are looking forward to welcoming you!